At the 110th annual meeting of the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers), we received an award for over 1000 measurements submitted to the AAVSO database. This organization has been collecting photometric data on variable stars for over 100 years and provides an excellent venue for meeting the needs of astronomers with the opportunities offered by small astronomical observatories.
{source}<script src=""></script><svg id="galaxy">
<g id="stars"></g>
#galaxy {
background-image: url("/images/suto.png");
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 2661px;
height: 200px;
position: relative;
function mainFunc() {
var svgNS = ""
var starsGroup = document.getElementById("stars");
var galaxy = document.getElementById("galaxy").getBoundingClientRect();
var center = { x: galaxy.width / 2, y: galaxy.height / 2 };
var stars = []
var tweens = []
window.onresize = function () {
galaxy = document.getElementById("galaxy").getBoundingClientRect();
center = { x: galaxy.width / 2, y: galaxy.height / 2 };
// STAR OPTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var maxRad = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(center.x, 2) + Math.pow(center.y, 2));
var starCount = 100;
var speed = 1;
var innerRadius = 200;
var minSize = 1;
var maxSize = 2;
var startPos, tranOrigin, time;
for (var i = 0; i < starCount; ++i) {
// add new star
var star = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "circle");
startPos = {
x: Math.random() * center.x * 2,
y: Math.random() * center.y * 2
// set basic tag attributes
star.setAttribute("class", "star");
star.setAttribute("fill", "#A8A8A8");
star.setAttribute("stroke", "none");
star.setAttribute("cx", startPos.x);
star.setAttribute("cy", startPos.y);
star.setAttribute("r", Math.random() * maxSize + minSize);
// add to internal array and svg group
tranOrigin = "" + (center.x - startPos.x) + "px " +
(center.y - startPos.y) + "px";
time = Math.pow(speed * 0.01, -1) * Math.pow(star.getAttribute("r"), -1);
tweens.push(, time, {
transformOrigin: tranOrigin,
rotation: 360,
ease: Power0.easeNone,
repeat: -1
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", mainFunc);